The Most Revd Carlos Touche-Porter
The Rt Revd Stephen Conway, SCP
The Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, SCP
Editorial Board
The Revd Dr Lida Ellsworth, SCP
The Revd Mark Heather, SCP
The Revd Dr Charlotte Methuen
The Revd Canon Perran Gay
The Revd Dr Lida Ellsworth, SCP
The Revd Dr Charlotte Methuen
The Revd Canon Alma Servant
The Revd Kevin Scully, SCP
The Revd Mark Heather, SCP
Leaflet Project Coordinator
The Revd Mark Heather, SCP
Liturgy Project Leader
The Revd Canon Perran Gay
Editor in Chief
The Revd Dr Lida Ellsworth, SCP
Theological Editor
The Revd Dr Charlotte Methuen
Production Executive
Mrs Anne Clews
Leaflet copywriters
The Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, SCP
The Revd Dr Lida Ellsworth, SCP
The Ven. Paul Ferguson
The Revd Mark Heather, SCP
The Revd Clive Hillman, SCP
The Revd Richard Jenkins
The Revd Canon Leslie Morley
The Revd Canon David Sharples
The Revd Canon Alma Servant
The Revd Fr Nicolas Stebbing, CR
The Revd Abi Thompson
The Revd Bill Wilson.